In December , I have been involved in organizing and lead a workshop about area efficiency as part of a housing research project in Oslo.
The research project, that is co-financed by Husbanken and Hille Melbye Arkitekter, aims at looking into area efficient and compact living solutions for the residential market in Norway.
The main partners in the project are Husbanken, Hille Melbye Arkitekter, University College Oslo togheter with OBOS, Velux, Stor Oslo Eiendom , Betonmast, Scansorlie (furniture) and REFRAME arkitektur.
The repport will be published in March-April 2017.
The process has used mainly the DeBonos Thinking Hats method, with focus on challanging the participants assumptions about the residential units beeing built in Oslo. One of best side effects of such an approach is the cross-disciplinary understanding of the project.
Further in our research we are looking at developing different typologies of apartments that combine the compact living furniture, daylight analysis, energy simulation, all within a area afficient footprint (35-to 70 sqm),